Advanced Cenote Dives

The Pit, Dos Ojos and Bat Cave (Optional 3rd Dive)

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Diving in the Pit and Dos Ojos offers an underwater adventure like no other which captivates divers with its deep vertical walls and crystal-clear waters, revealing stunning rock formations and mesmerizing light effects. Dos Ojos, meaning "two eyes" in Spanish, takes divers on a journey through intricate passages adorned with breathtaking stalactites and stalagmites. Reserve your spot now to dive this world renowned dive site!

Cenotes Angelita and Car Wash

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Dive into the surreal underwater world of Cenote Angelita, with its enchanted submerged forest and mysterious underwater river. Then, explore the vibrant colors of Cenote Carwash, teeming with diverse fresh water marine life and its intriguing cavern area with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. Book your spot now for this epic cenote combo!

The Pit and Nicte Ha

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Descend into the captivating depths of Cenote The Pit, where vertical walls and crystal-clear waters reveal stunning rock formations and mesmerizing light effects. Then, venture into the hidden realms of Nicte Ha, where intricate passages adorned with stalactites and stalagmites await. Reserve your spot now to dive into these extraordinary cenotes!

Cenotes Hells Bells and Maravilla

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Cenote Zapote or commonely known as Hells Bells, allows divers to experience rock formations, stalactites, and stalagmites, uniquely shaped in bells. On the other hand, Maravilla captivates with its crystal-clear turquoise waters, with big spaces and a hydrogen sulfide cloud creating the sensation of flying. Book your spot now for a cavern experience like no other!

Taak Bi Ha and Taak Be Luum

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

CenoteTaak Bi Ha captivates divers with its crystal-clear waters, revealing along the cavern line intricate galleries of submerged stalactites and stalagmites. Taak Be Luum, on the other hand, offers a serene and mystical experience, surrounded by vibrant vegetation and awe-inspiring rock formations. Check for availibility now and reserve your spot to experience these unique caverns!

Cenotes Hells Bells and Kin Ha

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Descending into the crystal-clear waters of Cenote Hells Bells (Zapote), divers are in awe by stunning bell shaped stalactite formations, while the mystical cavern of Kin Ha unveils an enchanting underwater world filled with mesmerizing light beams and ancient geological wonders. Book your spot now for this transcendent diving experience in the cenotes!

Cenote Dreamgate

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cavern Diving, Scuba Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Descending through crystal-clear waters of Cenote Dreamgate, divers are immersed in a surreal landscape of stunning stalactites and intricate limestone formations. On sunny days, beams of sunlight will penetrate the cavern entrance, creating an magical glow. Looking for an amazing cavern experience in the heart of the mayan jungle? Book your spot now!

Guided Cave Diving

Cenotes, Cenote Diving, Cave Diving, Scuba Diving, Tech Diving, 20.6296° N, 87.0739° W

Mexico is an absolute paradise for cave divers seeking to explore breathtaking limestone formations, crystal-clear cenotes, and hidden underground rivers. From the mystical cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula to the awe-inspiring Sistema Sac Actun, Mexico's cave diving sites promise unforgettable encounters with the mesmerizing beauty of the subterranean world. Certified Cave Diver? Check for availalibilty now and come explore the caves with us!