Intro to Cave Diver Course

The TDI Intro to Cave Course is the second step in becoming a certified Cave Diver.

During the course, divers will learn about the specific hazards and risks of cave environments, including limited visibility, potential entanglement hazards, and the importance of proper gas management. They will receive extensive training on line handling, including reel and guideline usage, and practice advanced techniques for cave navigation.

Participants will also learn about proper buoyancy control in tight spaces, as well as emergency procedures and protocols for managing potential problems that may arise during cave dives. This includes training in gas sharing, lost line procedures, and silt-out drills.

The TDI Intro to Cave course typically consists of both theoretical classroom sessions and practical training dives. Classroom sessions cover topics such as cave geology, gas planning, equipment configuration, and dive planning. In-water training dives take place in actual cave environments, where students will apply their knowledge and skills under the supervision of experienced cave diving instructors.

By the end of the course, participants will have gained a solid foundation in cave diving techniques, enabling them to safely explore and enjoy the beauty of submerged cave systems. It's important to note that the Intro to Cave course is an entry-level certification and serves as a stepping stone for divers who wish to pursue further cave diving education and more advanced cave exploration.

3 Day Course ($300 per extra day if needed)


-Minimum age of 18 years-

-Cavern Diver Course-

-100 Logged Dives-

(20% off of any guided dives for students who completed a course of any level with us for the rest of his/her diving career)